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E-mail: lijm@tzc.edu.cn; lijmtzc@126.com







1998.7至今      台州学院生命科学学院助教、讲师、副教授、教授;

2006.5-2013.12   台州学院生命科学学院副院长、院长;

2008.7-2013.4     中国科学院植物研究所植物生态学博士后;

2010.7-2010.10 美国匹兹堡大学生物学系植物进化生态学方向访问学者;

2011.4-2011.11 美国密歇根州立大学植物入侵生态学方向访问学者;

2011.11-2012.4 美国杜克大学分子进化遗传学方向访问学者;

2013.12-2018.12   台州学院科研处(地方合作处)处长;

2013.7-至今     浙江省植物进化生态学与保护重点实验室主任;

2015.6-2017.6     浙江省丽水市云和县委常委、副县长(挂职);

2017.12-2018.8   台州学院科研处(学科建设办公室)处长(主任);

2018.12至今     台州学院副校长, 党委委员


2012至今 浙江省植物学会副理事长;

2014至今 中国生态学学会入侵生态学专业委员会副主任

2008-至今 中国生态学会种群生态学专业委员会委员;

2008至今 中国生态学会科普专业委员会委员;

2017至今 浙江省植物学会学术青年工作委员会主任;

2017至今 台州市博士后联谊会副会长;

2013至今  浙江省微生物学会理事;

20132018  浙江省生物工程学会理事;




(1) 磐安县中药产业揭榜挂帅项目磐安食药同源物质高值化利用关键技术及产业化”(主持:2021.01-2023.12, 120万元)

(2) 磐安中药产业-东贝母病毒分子检测及脱毒复壮研究(主持:2021.01-2023.12, 30万元)

(3) 重点研发计划项目特色新资源食品青钱柳特殊功能因子研究及开发应用(课题编号:2018C02021;主持;2018.1-2021.12650万元,其中财下拔款105万元)

(4) 国家重点研发计划项目主要入侵生物生态危害评估与防制修复技术示范研究(项目编号:2016YFC1201100)第二课题主要入侵生物扩散阻截与应急处置技术(课题编号:2016YFC1201102)(主持;2016.7-2018.6294.13万元)

(5) 中国与保加利亚科技合作委员会第15届例会项目盐胁迫下中国及保加利亚本地菟丝子属茎寄生植物与模式寄主植物之间的相互关系:生态及农业应用价值(主持;2017.12018.12;项目编号:15-2; 4.3822万元)

(6) 国家自然科学基金多倍性促进外来植物成功入侵与快速进化的机制(主持;2013-2016No. 3127046179万元)

(7) 中美生物多样性合作项目整合理解多倍性如何导致生物多样性(中方负责人之一;2013-2017. No. 31261120580300万元)

(8) 浙江省钱江人才计划项目(D)“多倍性促进外来植物成功入侵与快速进化的机制(主持;QJD130202110万元)

(9) 国家自然科学基金植物寄生对群落可入侵性的影响及机制(主持;2009-2011No.3080013321万元)

(10) 国家自然科学基金生境片段化对濒危植物夏蜡梅基因流与空间遗传结构的影响(第二参与人;2009-2011No. 3087039233万元)

(11) 浙江省自然科学基金本地寄生植物对外来入侵植物入侵性的影响及机制” (主持;2010-2012No. Y511022710万元)

(12) 浙江省自然科学基金濒危植物长叶榧保护遗传学研究” (主持;2006-2008No. Y50533110万元)

(13) 浙江省自然科学基金寄生植物对入侵植物的偏好及机制(第二参与人;2009-2011Y509025310万元)

(14) 浙江省自然科学基金植物与丛枝菌根真菌适应重金属胁迫的进化生态学研究(第二参与人,2012-2013LY12C0300218万元)

(15) 浙江省科技厅计划项目医药化工废水降解细菌质粒分子育种研究” (主持;2007-2010; No. 2007C2305220万元)


(1) Liu, J.; Li, J.; Fu, C. Comparative physiology and transcriptome analysis reveals the regulatory mechanism of genome duplication enhancing cold resistance in fragaria nilgerrensis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2021, 188, 104509.

(2) Yuan Yongge, Jin huifei, Li Junmin *.  Effects of latitude and soil microbes on the resistance of invasive Solidago canadensis to its co-evolved insect herbivore Corythucha marmorata. Journal of Plant Ecolog, 2021.

(3) Lin Weida, Chen Huanwei, Wang Jianmei, Li Junmin *. Transcriptome analysis associated with polysaccharide synthesis and their antioxidant activity in Cyclocarya paliurus leaves of different developmental stages. Peer J. 2021, 9(8): e11615.

(4) Sheng Xiaoling, Chen Huanwei, Wang Jianmei, Zheng Yongli, Li Yueling, Jin Zexin, Li Junmin *. Joint Transcriptomic and Metabolic Analysis of Flavonoids in Cyclocarya paliurus Leaves. ACS Omega. 2021.

(5) Zhou Li, Lu Qiuwei, Yang Beifen, Zagorchev Lyuben, Li Junmin *. Integrated small RNA, mRNA, and degradome sequencing reveals the important role of miRNAs in the interactions between parasitic plant Cuscuta australis and its host Trifolium repens. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021.

(6) Yuan L, Li JM *, Yu FH, Oduor AMO & van Kleunen M. Allelopathic and competitive interactions between native and alien plants. Biological Invasions, 2021.

(7) Yuan YG, van Kleunen M & Li JM *. A parasite indirectly affects nutrient distribution by common mycorrhizal networks between host and neighboring plants. Ecology, 2021, e03339.

(8) Jin HF, Yuan YG&Li JM *. Host functional traits affect plant responses to pathogen stress: A meta-analysis. Acta Oecologica. 2021.

(9) Yuan YG, Guo S, Yan M& Li JM * Multi-generational effects of simulated herbivory and habitat types on the invasive weed Alternanthera philoxeroides: implications for biological control. Biological Invasions, 2021,23:2109–2123

(10) Li Chenxin, Cai Chaonan, Tao Yutian, Sun Zhongsuai, Jiang Ming, Chen Luxi, Li Junin. Variation and Evolution of the Whole Chloroplast Genomes of Fragaria spp. (Rosaceae). FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021.

(11) Shen Jincheng, Shao Wanlu, Li Junmin, Lu Hongfei. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals factors underlying differences in fruit quality between Fragaria nilgerrensis and Fragaria pentaphylla. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 2021.

(12) Lu-Xi Chen, Su-Ting Xu, Wei-Hang Ding, Jun-Min Li,* and Peter Alpert. Genetic diversity and offspring fitness in the red and white fruit color morphs of the wild strawberry Fragaria pentaphylla. Journal of Plant Ecology. J Plant Ecol, 2020,13:36–41.

(13) X.J. WANG, X.L. SU, J.M. LI*, and P. ZHU. Changes of lipid metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana in response to oligochitosan treatment. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 64: 43-49, 2020.

(14) Zichun Ren, Lyuben Zagortchev. Junxia Ma, Ming Yan* and Junmin Li*. Predicting the potential distribution of the parasitic Cuscuta chinensis under global warming. BMC Ecol. 2020.20:28

(15) Huifei Jin Yongge Yuan, Fanglei Gao, Ayub M.O. Oduor, and Junmin Li. The invasive plant Solidago canadensis exhibits partial local adaptation to low salinity at germination but not at later life-history stages. American Journal of Botany,2020,107(4): 1–8.

(16) Junmin Li, Caihong Qi, Jingjing Gu, Zexin Jin. Effect of sire population on the genetic diversity and fitness of F1 progeny in the endangered Chinese endemic Sinocalycanthus chinensis. Ecology and Evolution, 2020;10:4091–4103.

(17) Wan J, Oduor AMO, Pouteau R, ,Beilei Wang, Luxi Chen, Beifen Yang, Feihai Yu, Junmin Li. Can polyploidy confer invasive plants with a wider climatic tolerance? A test using Solidago canadensis. Ecology and Evolution,2020;00:1–14.

(18) Weida Lin, Yueling Li, Qiuwei L, Hongfei Lu and Junmin Li* Combined Analysis of the Metabolome and Transcriptome Identified Candidate Genes Involved in Phenolic Acid Biosynthesis in the Leaves of Cyclocarya paliurus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21, 1337;

(19) Jincheng Shen, Wanlu Shao, Zhaokui Du, Hongfei Lu, Junmin Li. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal differences in the biosynthetic pathway of anthocyanins in Fragaria nilgerrensis and Fragaria pentaphylla. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 271:109476

(20) Brunel C, Yang BF, Pouteau R, Li JM*, van Kleunen M. Responses of rhizospheric microbial communities of native and alien plant species to Cuscuta parasitism. Microbial Ecology, 2019, 5.

(21) Yuan YG, Brunel C, van Kleunen M, Li JM*, Jin ZX*. Salinity-induced changes in the rhizhosphere microbiome improve salt tolerance of Hibiscus hamabo. Plant and Soil,2019, 1-13.

(22) Yang BF, Zhang X, Zarorchev L, Li JM*, Frey B, Li MH. Parasitism changes rhizospheric soil microbial communities of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides, benefitting the growth of neighboring plants. Applied Soil Ecology,2019,143: 1-9.

(23) Du ZK, Li JM, Yang D. The complete chloroplast genome of a mangrove Kandelia obovata Sheue, Liu & Yong. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2019, 4(2): 3414-3415.

(24) Li JM*, Oduor AMO, Yu FH, Dong M. A native parasitic plant and soil microorganisms facilitate a native plant co-occurrence with an invasive plant. Ecology and Evolution.2019.

(25) Du LS, Liu HY, Guan WB, Li JM*, Li JS*. Drought affects the coordination of belowground and aboveground resource‐related traits in Solidago canadensis in China. Ecology and Evolution. 2019

(26) Yu BB, Brunel C, Yang BF, Li JM*, Lu HF*. Parasitism by Cuscuta australis affects the rhizospheric soil bacterial communities of Trifolium repens L.2019.  

(27) Du ZK, Hu YF, Li JM*. Overexpression of a gene AhFBA from Arachis hypogaea confers salinity stress tolerance in Escherichia coli and tobacco. Biologia Plantarum, 2019,63: 122-133.

(28) Tang Y, Li N, Zou YK, Ai YR, Ma GL, Osman EEA, Xiong J, Li JM*, Jin ZX, Hu JF*. LC-MS guided isolation and dereplication of Lycopodium alkaloids from Lycopodium cernuum var. sikkimense of different geographical origins. Phytochemistry,2019, 160, 25-30.

(29) Wan JZ, Chen LX, Gao S, Song YB, Tang SL, Yu FH, Li JM*, Dong M*. 2019. Ecological niche shift between diploid and tetraploid plants of Fragaria (Rosaceae) in China. South African Journal of Botany,2019, 121: 68-75

(30) Gao FL, Che XX, Yu FH*, and Li JM*. 2019. Cascading effects of nitrogen, rhizobia and parasitism via a host plant. Flora, 2019,251: 62-67.

(31) Du ZK, Li JM*. 2019. Expression, purification and molecular characterization of a novel transcription factor KcCBF3 from Kandelia candel. Protein Expression and Purification, 2019,153, 26–34.


1.李钧敏. 一种工业废水降解微生物菌株的培养方法. 2012. 专利号:ZL 2009 1 0223757.6

2.李钧敏, 高松, 陈露茜, 王蓓蕾. 一种适用于流式细胞分析植物干燥组织的处理方法. 专利号: 201410675075.X

3.李钧敏. 一种促进开花的草莓种植方法. 专利号:ZL 2015 1 0080216.8

4.杜照奎,李钧敏,金则新,李娜. 一种红树植物秋茄扦插育苗方法. 申请号: 201610153006.1

5.李钧敏,杨蓓芬,邵婉露. 一种抑制外来物种加拿大一枝黄花生长的生物制剂和方法. 申请号: 201810547762.1











1. 李钧敏,蒋胜韬,金则新,等. 浙江医药化工废水高效净化关键技术创新与集成应用.浙江省科技进步三等奖. 2021.06

2. 李钧敏,蒋胜韬,金则新,等. 医药化工废水高效净化关键技术创新与集成应用. 2019 年度中国商业联合会科学技术奖 全国商业科技进步奖. 2019.12

3. 李俊生,赵彩云、于飞海,李钧敏,等. 主要外来生物入侵机理及控制关键技术研究. 环境保护科学技术奖二等奖. 2017.12

4. 金则新, 李钧敏, 边才苗,柯世省,张文标. 濒危植物夏蜡梅、七子花保护生物学研究. 2013年度浙江省科学技术奖三等奖.

5. 金则新, 李钧敏, 边才苗,柯世省,张文标. 濒危植物夏蜡梅、七子花保护生物学研究. 2013年度台州市科学技术奖一等奖.


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手机+86 13906769981

E-mail: lijm@tzc.edu.cn; lijmtzc@126.com